Sarawak Tourism Federation to host Christmas Open House to showcase Sarawak’s culture

By TIN Media | Sarawak Published 4 years ago on 16 December 2019
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Sarawak Tourism Federation (STF) Christmas will host an open house at the Old Courthouse this Saturday on Dec 21. This is the fourth STF's Visit Sarawak-Open House this year, with similar events held during Chinese New Year, Gawai Dayak and Hari Raya.

"The objective is to allow locals and visitors to experience Sarawak's open house culture which is unique to us. Here we welcome everyone with an open heart to share in the joy and warmth of our festive celebrations," STF chief operating officer Franklin Simon said on Monday (Dec 16).

Project leader Liza Sideni said the open house was an opportunity not only to share the joy of Christmas but to showcase Sarawak's culture of celebrating together.

"As Sarawakians, we celebrate any festival together regardless of who we are or our beliefs," she said.

Some of the local dishes which will be featured are laksa, kolo mee, satay, bubur asyura and Kuching’s famous Swee Kang ais kacang.

There will also be cooking demonstrations of pansoh (chicken cooked in bamboo), Indian poori and kuih bongkol (dessert of rice flour, coconut milk and palm sugar wrapped in banana leaf), as well as a gingerbread house and cookie decorating activities.

"Roast lamb will be served too, so come for a time of fun, food, and company in the spirit of joy, love, and giving," Liza said.

STF adviser Philip Yong added that everyone was welcome to experience Sarawakian hospitality, culture, and unity in diversity at the open house.

"I think the open house concept is a very Sarawakian thing. When we have open house here, you don't need an invitation, anyone can come and we don't turn anyone away," he said.

In the spirit of Christmas, STF is partnering with sponsors to provide spectacles for senior citizens from Rumah Seri Kenangan and Christmas gifts for children from Rumah Kanak-Kanak Toh Puan Hajah Norkiah Batu, Perkata Special School, and Kota Samarahan community-based rehabilitation center.

Visitors can expect  Anglican Bishop of Kuching Rev Danald Jute to attend the open house while the St Thomas Cathedral Choir will sing Christmas carols. The event will be held from noon to 3 pm and is open to all.




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