With the launch of Visit Malaysia 2020, revellers welcome spectaculars fireworks at the top

By TIN Media | Tourism Malaysia Published 4 years ago on 1 January 2020
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The sparkling fireworks that adorn the sky at the highest peak of Penang opened the celebration of the Visit Malaysia Year Campaign 2020.

The celebration was a collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), the State Government and One World Group are the hosts who provide space for the Penang New Year Celebration and grand Launch of Visit Malaysia 2020 Penang State Level.

Malaysia has set a target of 30 million outdoor tourist arrivals and RM100 billion worth of tourism revenue by the Year of Visit Malaysia 2020. 

Led by the slogan "Visit Truly Asia Malaysia 2020", the Penang Penang Experience campaign is also part of the Penang government's effort to promise a warm and welcoming response filled with various festivals and events throughout the year

To achieve this, the government has provided 929 tour police officers throughout the country to ensure that public safety and security are maintained and provide the best services to foreign and domestic tourists visiting the country.

Through the cooperation of the Malaysian public and private sector 100 events throughout the year 2020 as a major tourist attraction.


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