Italy will lift travel restrictions

By TIN Media | Europe Published 4 years ago on 4 June 2020
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On Wednesday, Italy will lift the next part of the restrictions on coronavirus that will enable residents to travel around the country freely as well as citizens from the Schengen States and the UK to visit Italy as tourists.

The new strategic plan is to become the third stage of the so-called Phase 2 initiated by the Government on 4 May, when the construction and manufacturing sectors in the country were begun again.

On the 18th of May Italians had their retail stores and hairdressers opened,  bars and restaurants were fully operational. Only with a document stating the need to travel and the possibility to travel to the country were the last of the major restrictions in place for movement between the regions of the country.

Public gatherings and crowds are also banned. The theaters and cinemas could be opened beginning on June 15.

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