Tourism Ministry offers 40pc discount on compound payment to tour operators

By TIN Media | Tourism Malaysia Published 3 years ago on 1 January 2022
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The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac) is giving a 40 per cent discount on compound payment to licensed tourism operators and tour guides.

The ministry, in a statement today, said the compound payment period has also been extended until June 30 for all compounds issued them. 

“The ministry hopes that this initiative can help ease the burden of industry players affected by the outbreak of Covid-19.

“Nevertheless, failure to settle the compounds issued could result in action being taken against the relevant companies or tour guides,” it said.

Motac said compound exemption would be given to tourism operators and tour guides who failed to renew their licenses within the stipulated period for those with licence expiring on January 1 to June 30 due to the National Recovery Plan.

This is on the condition that the tourism operators and tour guides concerned submit their application within 30 days after the expiry of the licence, it said.

During the recovery period, the ministry also issued license to tour companies without inspecting their premises, but the inspection will be carried out within 90 days after the licence is issued. 


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